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lunedì 2 maggio 2016

4L 9th May

Watch this and take some notes to be discussed in class.

domenica 17 aprile 2016


Here, at the last pages, you can do 11, 13, 2, 4, 7. here at the last page, you can do 5 (no part c) and 6 (a, b, excluding b iii)

giovedì 14 aprile 2016


Here some exercises and some links to other exercises.

martedì 29 marzo 2016

5 L - homework due on the 4th of April

study here up to Faraday Neumann Lenz and do exercises 1-2-3 page 471

mercoledì 3 febbraio 2016

4L: Hw due on Feb the 8th

Here exercises to train for the test